Who We Are

Butte Tango was founded in October of 2021 with the goal of hosting regular Argentine Tango events and classes in Butte, Montana and the surrounding areas. We love to share our passion for tango with dancers (and non-dancers) far and wide.

Lela O'Bryant has been a dancer her entire life. She began studying ballet at a very early age and received a Minor in Dance from the University of Montana in Missoula in 2010. This degree exposed her to various other styles of dance and choreography including Modern Dance in Cunningham and Graham Technique, Tribal Belly Dance, Hula, East Coast Swing, Ballroom, and Contact Improvisation. She began learning tango in 2013 in Helena and quickly fell in love with the technicality and connection tango provides. In addition to Tango, she teaches Ballet and Modern at 5678 Dance Studio in Uptown Butte. 

David Sabado started dipping his toes into Tango in 2012 after seeing a demonstration done to pop music. It opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for his dancing. He's dabbled in a variety of styles over the years including Ballroom, East and West Coast Swing, Salsa, and Country 2-Step, but has found a deep abiding love for the versatility of Tango. He also teaches regular Country 2-Step classes at the Elks Lodge in Uptown Butte. 

Who We Are

Lela O'Bryant has been a dancer her entire life. She began studying ballet at a very early age and received a Minor in Dance from the University of Montana in Missoula in 2010. This degree exposed her to various other styles of dance and choreography including Modern Dance in Cunningham and Graham Technique, Tribal Belly Dance, Hula, East Coast Swing, Ballroom, and Contact Improvisation. She began learning tango in 2013 in Helena and quickly fell in love with the technicality and connection tango provides. In addition to Tango, she teaches Ballet and Modern at 5678 Dance Studio in Uptown Butte. 

David Sabado started dipping his toes into Tango in 2012 after seeing a demonstration done to pop music. It opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for his dancing. He's dabbled in a variety of styles over the years including Ballroom, East and West Coast Swing, Salsa, and Country 2-Step, but has found a deep abiding love for the versatility of Tango. He also teaches regular Country 2-Step classes at the Elks Lodge in Uptown Butte. 

Butte Tango was founded in October of 2021 with the goal of hosting regular Argentine Tango events and classes in Butte, Montana and the surrounding areas. We love to share our passion for tango with dancers (and non-dancers) far and wide.

Each month Butte Tango features a special topic class taught by a local instructor from 2:30-4 before the monthly milonga at the Clark Chateau. Price for the class is $20. Check our Facebook group for information about the current topic and experience levels for the class.

Tango Basics covers basic Tango vocabulary from tango stance, walking and the embrace, to molinete and ochos. This class is designed to give you all the tools you need to get out on the dance floor and tango!

Classes & Events



Special Topic Class


Continuing Tango explores additional vocabulary, musicality, and embrace technique. Dancers must have taken the Basics class or equivalent tango series. They should be comfortable with walking in parallel and contrabody, ochos, and molinete in open embrace.

Butte Tango teaches regular tango classes on Thursdays at 5678 Dance Studio in Uptown Butte. Check the studio calendar for the current schedule.



Butte Tango's monthly milonga is held on the 1st Saturday of the month at the Historic Clark Chateau in Uptown Butte. Featuring a local DJ from the Montana Tango community, the milonga takes place in the Chateau ballroom from 6:30-9:30. Each month features a special topic class taught by a local instructor from 2:30-4 before the milonga. Price for the class is $20 and the milonga is $10. 

